Mrs. Stauffer

Genre: Biography: The true story of a real person's life, written by another person

Essential question: What do heroes do?

Comprehension skill: Sequence

  • The sequence tells the order of ideas in a selection

  • We can use the words first, next, then, and last to tell the order of what happens

Vocabulary Words: Synonyms

  • Synonyms are words that have almost the same meaning

  • Example: mad and angry

We will have a short week next week, but will have a reading log due back each day. We will resume spelling and vocabulary the week after. Conferences are next week. There are two types: a scheduled 15 minute conference with Mrs. Park and I. the last hour of conferences are reserved for open conferences, which operate like open house. You may check out the work they have been doing in class, chat with the teacher and visit the specials to see how your child is doing!


  1. soil

  1. coin

  1. broil

  1. noise

  1. moist

  1. crown

  1. point

  1. mound

  1. toil

  1. I'll

  1. oil

  1. laugh

  1. toy

  1. maybe

  1. joy


agree- saying something is true or that someone will do something

Challenging- something that is difficult and takes effort to do

Discover- to find something or find out about it

heroes- people who have done brave things

interest- to like something and want to learn more about it

perform- acting in things like play or movie

study- reading, practicing, or thinking about something so you can learn more about it

succeed- doing what was tried and doing it well