Mrs . Park

March 31- April 4

Genre: expository text

  • gives facts and information about a topic

  • include text features such as subheadings and graphs

Essential question: How doe we use money?

Comprehension skill: problem and solution

Some information in an informational text may be presented as a problem the solution is how the problem is solved.

Reading groups: The reading log is 25 points a day, not reading results in an F for the week

Math: Chapter 12 measurements, Cont....

Writing: extended response paragraph

Spelling Patterns: We will focus on CVCe syllable

Vocabulary strategies: paragraph clues

Paragraph clues can help you figure out the meaning of a new word.


Easter party notes went home a few days ago. If you have any questions please reach out. Report cards are coming home today, as well as certificates for perfect attendances and honor roll for the 9 weeks. We had a surprise PAX pizza party today because our ticket bucket was full, as well as our perfect attendance drawing, it was great week. Math note we played a math game to review the clock to you to reinforce this skill.


















Invented-making or creating something new

money-the dollars and cents that you can use to buy things

prices-how much you have to pay to buy things

purchases-getting something by paying money

record-facts written down about something

system-a plan or set of rules for doing something

value-how much something is worth

worth-the cost of money to buy something

Open and closed syllables:

napkin open zebra sunny basket human frozen even trumpet puppet mitten baby pilot exit tiger token tennis secret pencil magnet lady solo

High Frequency words:

alone, became, suppose, surprised, round notice help, four beside large

CVCe syllables

stampede flagpole, compute relate alive notebook vibrate describe excuse compete arrive pollute include evening hopeful excite ninety side state race.

Important Dates

March 20th 2nd grade program after school!

March 21st COSI Trip

march 21st end of 3rd 9 weeks

march 28th report cards

April 17the early dismissal 12:45

April 22nd Return from break.

Contact info

The best time to contact me would be during my planning period, between 2:10 and 2:40

I have lunch break from 11:20-11:50 every day.

You can always leave me a voicemail or email me at

My phone number at school is 740-774-2003

I will send a newsletter home each Friday