Mrs . Park
February 24-28
Genre: Biography
The true story of a real person's life
Written by another person
Essential question: What do heroes do?
Comprehension skill: Sequence
The sequence tells the order of ideas in a selection
We can use the words first, next, then, and last to tell the order of what happens
Reading groups: Unit 4 week 5
Math: Chapter 8 TIME and Money
Writing: finding and using text evidence to answer questions and opinion writing.
Spelling Patterns: Dipthongs -ou, and -ow
Vocabulary strategies: Synonyms
Synonyms are words that have almost the same meaning.
Example: mad and angry
There are a lot of fun plans for the book fair/ movie night we will be watching Stuart little!there will be popcorn served as well. In addition to the movie, there will be fun activities the music program is on march 20th after school. If you need info again for this let us known. Also if you have not turned in a t-shirt size for your child, please do so. Cosi field trip is scheduled for March 21st! You are welcome to meet us there, more info will go home closer to the trip.
soil | coin |
broil | noise |
moist | crown |
point | mound |
toil | I'll |
oil | laugh |
toy | maybe |
joy |
agree: Saying something is true or that someone will do something
challenging: something that is difficult and takes effort to do
discover:to find something or find out about it
heroes: people who have done brave things
interest: to like something and want to learn more about it
perform:acting in things like a play or movie
study: reading, practicing or thinking about something so you can learn more about
succeed: doing what was tried and doing it well.
Important Dates
March 4th; Book fair/family movie night
March 20th 2nd grade program after school!
March 21st COSI Trip
Contact info
The best time to contact me would be during my planning period, between 2:10 and 2:40
I have lunch break from 11:20-11:50 every day.
You can always leave me a voicemail or email me at
My phone number at school is 740-774-2003
I will send a newsletter home each Friday