Mrs. Iman's Class
Social Studies
Social Studies |
Dec. 16th - Dec. 20th
Student Spotlight
Karli Garner
Addison enjoys boating and swimming. Her favorite color is blue and her favorite snack is pretzels. When she grows up she wants to be a veterinarian
Dates to Remember/Homework:
Christmas Parties 12/20 @ 9 AM
Early Dismissal 12/20
In Class this Week
Reading: This week in class we will be finishing our novel. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. students will get to watch the movie on Wednesday and have a hot chocolate and cookies party during this time.
Social Studies: We will jump back into studying prehistoric Indian tribes this week. We will also begin studying historic tribes.
Dec. 16th - Dec. 20th
Weekly Homework
Complete the daily reading each night. (Due daily)
AR Extra Credit is due Dec. 19th (This Thursday) Students may earn up to 10 points this 9 weeks.
Reading fluency is due daily. Students will turn in their log on Thursday.
Essential Question:
Vocabulary Strategies:
Main Selection
Paired Selection
Reading Skills & Strategies:
In Class this Week.
Vocabulary Words: