Miss Mitten

Unit 5 Week 1

Genre Study 1

Spelling List:

  1. sound

  2. ouch

  3. cloud

  4. loud

  5. pound

  6. clown

Comprehension Skill: Sequence

  • The sequence tells the order of ideas in a selection.

  • We can use the words first, next, then, and last to tell the order of what happens.

Vocabulary List:

  1. agree- saying something is true or that someone will do something

  2. challenging- something that is difficult and takes effort to do

  3. discover- to find something or find out about it

  4. heroes- people who have done brave things

  5. interest- to like something and want to learn more about it

  6. perform- acting in things like a play or movie

  7. study- reading, practicing, or thinking about something so you can learn more about it.

  8. succeed- doing what was tried and doing it well

Genre: Biography

  • the true story of a real person's life

  • written by another person

Vocabulary Strategy: Synonyms

  • Synonyms are words that have almost the same meaning

  • Example: mad and angry

Essential Question:

What do heroes do?